While using a computer, we have to deal with different IP addresses that are used by the system for various purposes. Normally, users think that the IP address is only used for giving them access to the internet.
However, it is completely wrong because an IP address like doesn’t work in the same pattern. Using this specific IP address, your system gives you access to the internal server of your computer.
If you are unaware of this particular address, this blog is written for you. Here, we will describe this IP address in detail for your understanding.
Understanding IP Address
Before you learn about, you must be aware of the term “IP Address”. IP stands for Internet Protocol which means that this address or code will be used to connect you to the Internet. It is right to say that you can connect your computer to any network using this address.
Whenever a user sends a request to get connected to the internet, the system uses a specific IP address according to the location of the user to accomplish this task. Moreover, an IP address is also concerned with the port number that the system is using to complete the task of internet connectivity.
What is
So far, you have learned about IP addresses and must be aware of this term now. It is time to know what shows and why people are looking to know about this specific IP address.
Actually, it is a particular IP address that doesn’t connect you to the internet. It redirects you to the internal or local server that your computer has and might be working on. That is the reason, this IP address is also called loopback or localhost IP address.
This address has mainly two parts that are divided into the following two numbers: and 49342. The first part of this address is considered the IP address that is mainly responsible for giving you access to the localhost server.
On the other hand, the second part indicates the port number that your system is using for this particular task. Many people also call the second part the directory number from the overall folder of IP addresses. So, you shouldn’t be confused if you read this term for this particular IP address.
How is Different From Other IP Addresses?
Overall, there are no major differences between and other IP addresses. All of them seem similar and are considered to perform the same functions. However, this unique IP address has the only difference from other addresses in the destination.
Simply, you can say that the destination or final point where you will reach after using is different from the other addresses. Be mindful that working at this address is also similar to other addresses. It will get your request simply and then redirect you to the local server of your system at the end.
Summarizing Up
By reading this blog, you must have cleared your multiple questions about We hope you are now well aware of this loopback or local host. This IP address is normally used by people who work as web developers and don’t want to show their websites to the general public and keep it on their local servers.